Validating Compound-Field Uniqueness in AdonisJS (4.x)

AdonisJS provides a lot of really nice stuff out of the box for rapid development of an application, but as with any framework occasionally there are bits missing that would be useful.

Validating Compound-Field Uniqueness in AdonisJS (4.x)

AdonisJS provides a lot of really nice stuff out of the box for rapid development of an application, but as with any framework occasionally there are bits missing that would be useful. A validator that works for compound-field unique indexes is one of those things.

Of course it's easy enough to create the compound-field unique indexes within the database schema files. KnexJS, the underlying query-builder library that Adonis uses, provides for this by simply passing an array of field names:

  table.unique(['field1', 'field2'])

Adonis' Lucid validators provide a unique validation rule so that you can ensure the value attempting to be added does not already exist within the specified table (optionally excluding a particular record by id), for example requiring that a user's email be unique:

  // Email must be provided, must be in the format of an email address
  // and must not already exist in the email field of the users table
  const rules = {
    email: 'required|email|unique:users,email',

But there isn't a provision for validating these unique compound fields. Wouldn't it be nice if you could write a rule in a format similar to the unique validation rule, but for compound fields?

Maybe something like this?

  // Name must be provided, must be a string
  // and must not already exist in the name field of the foobar table
  // along with the same value for the friend_id field
  const rules = {
    name: 'required|string|uniqueCompound:foobar,name/friend_id',

A silhouette man outstretches his arms looking over a valley of fog in Chaing Mai as the sunrise-or-sunset turns the sky orange

Thanks to the ability to extend the validator with a custom provider, you can.

I'll save you the suspense and just get to the provider code...

'use strict'

const { ServiceProvider } = require('@adonisjs/fold')

class ValidateExists extends ServiceProvider {
  async _uniqueFn (data, field, message, args, get) {
    const Database = use('Database')
    const util = require('util')

    let ignoreId = null
    const fields = args[1].split('/')
    const table = args[0]
    if (args[2]) {
      ignoreId = args[2]

    const rows = await Database.table(table).where((builder) => {
      for (const f of fields) {
        let value = get(data, f)
        builder.where(f, '=', value)
      if (ignoreId) {
        builder.whereNot('id', '=', ignoreId)
    }).count('* as total')

    if (rows[0].total) {
      throw message

  boot () {
    const Validator = use('Validator')

    Validator.extend('uniqueCompound', this._uniqueFn, 'Must be unique')

module.exports = ValidateExists

This then gets added to the list of providers in your /start/app.js file:

const providers = [
  // ...
  path.join(__dirname, '..', 'providers', 'ValidateCompoundUnique/Provider'),

Once those are in place, the new uniqueCompound validation rule becomes available for use.

Format is:


  • [table] :: Name of the table to look at
  • [field1]/[field2]/... :: List of fields to run a combined uniqueness check against
  • [id] :: Optional id value to ignore (useful for some updates, for example)

The implementation feels a little bit hacky, and could probably be improved, but as is it gets the job done well enough for me.

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